Terms & Conditions

By entering Youth Football League, you engage in our “Service” and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”, “Terms”), including those additional terms and conditions and policies referenced herein. These Terms of Service apply to all users.

Terms & Conditions

All the terms and conditions on which Youth Football League Dubai (hereinafter referred to as YFLDubai) accepts individuals and teams wishing to participate in any of the YFLDubai competition are outlined below. Sign-ups will only be accepted subject to agreement with these terms and conditions.

1. Definitions


The contract between team organiser and YFLDubai which incorporates these Terms and Conditions.


The website entry form which requires details to be provided for participation in a competition.


A league or tournament organised by Youth Football League Dubai

Competition Fixture

A particular fixture within a competition.

Competition Organiser

Super Sports Academy LLC – Youth Football League Dubai parent company.


YFLDubai leagues & tournaments allow for format flexibility. While YFLDubai aims to provide leagues & tournaments as per the structure advertised on the YFLDubai website, YFLDubai reserves the right to alter the league format without notice at any point prior to or during a league season.


A competition involving multiple teams and games in which the result is determined by points total. A League may also have associated Knock-Out Cup Competitions.


A person making or anticipated to make an appearance for a team in a Competition / Competition Fixture including as a non-playing substitute.

Supporters /Spectators

A person with permission from YFLDubai to observe but not participate in a Competition.

Principal Organisation

The legal entity (such as a trade licensed company, partnership, or natural person) stated on an application on whose behalf the Team Organiser signs the application form and thereafter acts.


The Rules for different Competitions are available at YFLDubai website (currently www.YFLDubai.com)


The players registered by the Team Organiser with YFLDubai.

Team Organiser

The person who submits the application form and represents all the relevant team’s Participants, the Principal Organisation (where applicable) and anyone else associated with the team at the competition.

Team Organiser / Principal Organisation

Team Organiser or, where applicable, his / her Principal Organisation whether acting through its Team Organiser or otherwise.

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions set out below.

Youth Football League Dubai

Super Sports Academy LLC is the legal company name and parent company of Youth Football League Dubai.

Website or YFLDubai Website

The website used by YFLDubai for, among other things, advertising and providing information about its leagues at whatever address from time to time used, currently www.YFLDubai.com.


An email to football@yfldubaii.com by the Team Organiser/Principal Organisation giving notice to withdraw in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. Withdrawing club is still liable to commit to full season fee’s despite withdrawal, as per agreement upon registration.


2.1 Prior to entering a Competition the Team Organiser must complete the online registration section on www.YFLDubai.com

2.2 By signing up to YFLDubai, a Team Organiser is seeking to set up a contract subject to these Terms and Conditions between YFLDubai and either:

1. The Team Organiser, by completing the online registration and checking ‘I understand and agree to Terms and Conditions’.

2.3 When an online registration has been received and accepted by YFLDubai a contract for the supply of services shall exist between YFLDubai and either the Team Organiser(s) or the Principal Organisation. If payment is received from the Principal Organisation, unless stated otherwise in writing, the contracting party shall be deemed to be the Principal Organisation.

2.4 All Participants must be registered by completing the online registration prior to entering a team.

2.5 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation agree to ensure that the team arrives for the competition ready to play at the scheduled time.

2.6 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation is responsible for ensuring that all their team Participants are aware of and abide by the Rules of the Competition.

2.7 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation and/or any team Participants will not be accepted into a league if monies outstanding from a previous Competition due from either the Team Organiser or the Principal Organisation.

2.8 YFLDubai reserves the right to:

1. Refuse entry of any Participant, team or organisation (including a Principal Organisation) from its competition without giving a reason.

2. Exclude any Participant, team or organisation (including a Principal Organisation) from its competition for breaches of this Agreement or of the Rules or in respect of any misconduct whatsoever by its team Participants or supporters or associates of the same.

2.9 YFLDubai will provide fixtures for the upcoming game weeks during the Season.

2.10 When a published Season is complete, the next Season will be published in due course. The league seasons will generally be scheduled in parallel with the school academic calendar.


3.1 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation is responsible for ensuring payment is made in full prior to the start date of the Competition.

3.2 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation must ensure that any outstanding monies at the start of the season are paid on demand.

3.3 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation must ensure commitment to full payment for the duration of the full season in the case of team(s) withdrawal.

3.4 Wholly at the discretion of YFLDubai and without prejudice to any of its rights under this agreement, YFLDubai may with prior written agreement allow the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation to pay for a competition by installments.

3.5 All prices are as notified to the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation or, in the absence thereof, as set out in released literature. All prices and arrangements are exclusive of VAT.

3.6 YFLDubai reserve the right to alter and correct errors in the prices of any of the competitions shown on our website at any time before your booking is confirmed. You will be advised of the current price before your contract is confirmed.

3.7 Bank transfer or cheque will be accepted for payment.


4.1 All payments are Cash in Advance (CIA)



If the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation wishes to cancel participation in a competition, they may do so at any time by written notice to YFLDubai provided that:

1. Fees paid may not be refundable.

2. The cancellation will be effective from the date it is received by Youth Football League Dubai.

3. Monies pending for the outstanding amount for the season will still be due.

4. Registration cancellation charges as detailed below will be payable to YFLDubai to cover costs incurred by the cancellation.

5. If the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation cancels this Agreement and is entitled to a refund of any monies paid to YFLDubai, YFLDubai will refund any money received using the same method originally used to pay for the Competition.


5.2.1 Once a registration is received, a team will be included to participate in the upcoming season.

5.2.2 A team can only withdraw via email.

5.2.3 Any team wishing to leave a league midseason will not be entitled to a refund and is liable to pay any outstanding fees related to the full season.


5.3.1 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation must give at least 14 days’ notice prior to the start of the Season.

1. More than 14 days before league competition: 50% League cost is refunded.

2. Less than 14 days before league competition: 25% League cost is refunded.

3. Less than 7 days before league competition: Non-refundable


5.4.1 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation must inform YFLDubai 24 hours in advance if a team is going to cancel a fixture. Fees will be non-refundable for unattended matches. The cancelled team will forfeit the match and a 5-0 victory will be awarded to the opposition.


5.5.1 If your opponent cancels a fixture, your team will be awarded a 5-0 victory for un-played fixture.


6.1 When a Team Organiser/Principal Organisation book with YFLDubai, they accept full responsibility for any damage or loss caused by any Team Participant or Team Supporter or any member of the group. Full payment for any such damage or loss must be paid direct at the time.

6.2 If in our reasonable opinion or in the reasonable opinion of any other person in authority, any member of a Team or Supporters behaves in such a way as to cause or be likely to cause danger, upset or distress to any third party or damage to property or vehicles, we are entitled, without prior notice, to terminate the arrangements of the person(s) concerned or terminate the arrangements as a whole. In this situation, the person(s) concerned will be required to leave the accommodation or other service. We will have no further responsibility toward such person(s). No refunds will be made, and we will not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of the termination.


7.1 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation agree and understand that the Competitions provided by YFLDubai usually involve the participation in contact sports and that:

1. Such sports inevitably involve some element of risk on behalf of Participants. We therefore recommend that participants have Personal Accident Insurance.

2. Pitch surfaces can be artificial, and inevitably vary in nature and quality.

3. YFLDubai takes care to select suitable and safe venues and properly qualified officials. However, Team Organisers / Principal Organisations agree and understand that YFLDubai:

1. Does not necessarily own or have exclusive occupation of premises used for Competition Fixtures.

2. Has little or no control in respect of persons admitted to premises (including adjacent football pitches and surrounding perimeters) during Competitions or Competition Fixtures.

3. Has little or no control as to how premises are used and left before and / or after Competitions / Competition Fixtures.

4. Youth Football League Dubai will not be liable for any personal injury occurred during the event. 

5. Team Organisers / Principal Organisation are responsible for ensuring that:

1. They do not allow their team Participants to commence a Competition Fixture until and unless satisfied that the surface and other conditions are safe for the activity in question having due regard to the characteristics of their team Participants.

2. They report to YFLDubai at the earliest opportunity any perceived dangers, violence (or threats of the same), or any other misconduct of whatever type.

3. Team Participants abide by the applicable Rules of the Competition.


8.1 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation grant YFLDubai the irrevocable right and permission to use photographs and/or video recordings of the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation and all its Participants on the YFLDubai website and other websites and in publications, promotional flyers, promotional materials, or for any other similar purpose without compensation.

8.2 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation understands and agrees that such photographs and/or video recordings of its Participants may be placed on the Internet. The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation also understands and agrees that they may be identified by name and/or title in printed, Internet or broadcast information that might accompany the photographs and/or video recordings of its Participants.

8.3 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation waive the right to approve the final product and agree that all such portraits, pictures, photographs, video and audio recordings, and any reproductions thereof, and all digital files are and shall remain the property of the YFLDubai.

8.4 The Team Organiser / Principal Organisation on behalf of all its Participants releases, acquits and forever discharges YFLDubai, its current and former trustees, agents, officers and employees from any and all claims, demands, rights, promises, damages and liabilities arising out of or in connection with the use or distribution of said photographs and/or video recordings, including but not limited to any claims for invasion of privacy, appropriation of likeness or defamation.

8.5 YFLDubai reserve the right to use third party providers for Photography/Videography services.


9.1 YFLDubai shall provide its services with reasonable skill and care and to a reasonable standard in accordance with recognised standards and codes of practice.

9.2 In so far as YFLDubai is in breach of the agreement and the breach is capable of remedy, YFLDubai will use its very best efforts to provide a solution mutually acceptable to YFLDubai and the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation.

9.3 In the event that the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation is in breach of any obligations under this contract or is made bankrupt or is insolvent or has entered into form of insolvency procedure then YFLDubai shall be entitled to terminate the agreement. In all such cases, cancellation charges the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation or, in the absence thereof, as set out on the website. All prices and arrangements are exclusive of VAT.

9.4 Notwithstanding the above, in the event of YFLDubai:

1. breaching the agreement.

2. committing any tort, including the negligence or negligent misstatement of its servant or agents; and / or

3. being in any breach of any statutory or common law duty of care will have no liability to Team Organiser / Principal Organisation or any Participant save that YFLDubai will indemnify the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation in respect of any death or personal injury caused thereby and in respect of which no limitation or exclusion is intended.

9.5 Without prejudice to the generality of the above, in no event shall YFLDubai be liable for:

1. any damage to property whether arising directly or indirectly from any breach or tort.

2. loss of income, or profit, revenue, goodwill, or anticipated savings whether arising directly or indirectly from any breach or tort.

3. loss or damage.

4. any indemnity in respect of Section 5 above.

9.6 Without prejudice to the generality of the above, the liability of YFLDubai for all the losses caused by a breach or tort giving rise to a claim shall be limited to damages of 3 times the total amount paid by the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation to YFLDubai pursuant to the Competition in respect of which the breach or tort shall occur, and which both YFLDubai and the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation have considered and agree is a reasonable sum given the respective positions of the parties and the types of direct losses likely to occur.

9.7 YFLDubai cannot accept responsibility for any services which do not form part of our contract. This includes, for example, any additional services or facilities which your organiser agrees to provide for you. YFLDubai employees and local representatives are instructed not to act as agents in booking any alternative activities. Any assistance they may offer at your request does not imply they have acted as an agent or that these activities have been approved and are offered for sale by YFLDubai.


10.1 If due to circumstances beyond YFLDubai’s control, it must make any change in the arrangements and shall notify the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation forthwith. YFLDubai shall endeavor to keep such changes to a minimum and shall seek to offer the team organiser arrangements as close to the original as is reasonably possible.

10.2 YFLDubai reserves the right to do the following:

1. amend any accidental error or omission on pricing of the Competition.

2. amend any quotation in order to reflect a change in circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the company.

3. vary its schedule of charges from time to time.

4. amend the format of the competition without notice to allow for flexibility. Confirmed teams will be invoiced or credited as necessary for any format amendments made.

10.3 Variation to these Terms and Conditions (including any special terms and conditions agreed between the parties) shall be inapplicable unless agreed in writing by YFLDubai.


YFLDubai may subcontract the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement to any person without the prior written consent of the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation. Where YFLDubai does subcontract its obligation under this agreement YFLDubai shall not be responsible for every act or omission of the sub-contractor.


If your Team experiences a problem during the Competition, please inform your YFLDubai contact immediately who will endeavor to put things right. If you remain dissatisfied, you should telephone our YFLDubai Management team at +971 55 711 9775 or +971 52 645 3606. Please note that we will only deal with the Team through the Team Organiser/Principal Organisation.


13.1 This Agreement shall not otherwise be assignable by the Team Organiser / Principal Organisation without the prior written consent of YFLDubai which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

13.2 YFLDubai may assign this Agreement to any person.


YFLDubai shall not be liable for any loss or damage cause by delay in the performance or non-performance of any of its obligations where the same is occasioned by any cause whatsoever that is beyond YFLDubai’s reasonable control including but not limited to an Act of God, war, civil disturbance, un-preventable flood, failure or neglect on the part of any utility supplying electricity, gas or water, the unavailability of or the prevention of access to premises, governmental regulations, prohibitions or enactments of any kind, strike, lock-out or trade dispute (whether involving its own employees or those or any other person), difficulties in obtaining staff or materials, breakdown of machinery, fire or accident or loss of premises. Should any such event occur the YFLDubai may cancel or suspend the Agreement without incurring any liability for any loss or damages thereby occasioned.


Any failure by YFLDubai to exercise any rights under these conditions shall not constitute a waiver or prevent the subsequent exercise of such rights.


If any provision of this Agreement is agreed by the parties to be illegal, void, or unenforceable under any law that is applicable hereto, or if any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction in a final decision so determines, this Agreement shall continue in force save that such provision shall be deemed to be removed here from with effect from the date of such agreement or decision or such earlier date as the parties may agree.


This contract shall be governed by UAE Law and shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the UAE Courts.


Youth Football League maintains the www.yfldubai.com Website (“Site”).

Cardholder must retain a copy of transaction records and Super Sports Academy LLC policies and rules.

User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his account.


Once the payment is made, the confirmation notice will be sent to the client via email within 24 hours of receipt of payment.