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Playing for England: Ex Youth Football League Player

Michael Laffey, under 17 England International who played within the Youth Football League. Michael Laffey gained selection to represent England under 17s in their most recent game and certainly looks like a player to watch out for in the future.


What Does the Future Hold?

Youth Football League is delighted to see such wonderful talent coming through the system. Michael Laffey, an ex-player in the Youth Football League has an outstanding career ahead of him and we wish him the best of luck for the future.

Youth Football League is a project dedicated to the infrastructure of youth competitions within the MENA region. Youth Football League’s main objective is to immerse young players into a regulated competitive environment, giving them the opportunity to advance their careers from grassroots to professional level. Youth Football League unites players from all demographics helping them to develop and achieve more than they ever thought possible. 

We look forward to witnessing more Youth Football League players progressing to become some of the best players in the world.

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